Fighting Cyberattacks Requires Top-Down Approach

Fighting Cyberattacks Requires Top-Down Approach

Mitigating cybersecurity threats requires organizations to reassess their approach to technical vulnerability, advised an internet security expert and author at the “Cybersecurity Threats and Concerns: An Overview”  session of CIO’s Cybersecurity livestream on October 12. In 2023, economic losses from cybercrime are estimated to cost entities $2 trillion annually, and projections are that costs will increase to $10.5…

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By taking a threat-informed cyber defense approach, federal agencies can defend, protect forward

By taking a threat-informed cyber defense approach, federal agencies can defend, protect forward

Zero trust is no longer a buzzword; it’s a fundamental part of modernizing cyber defense, as outlined in the National Cybersecurity Strategy and within the CISA’s 2023 – 2025 goals. CISA laid out four ambitious goals, including to ensure the defense and resilience of cyberspace; reduce risks to and strengthen the resilience of America’s critical…

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