Nazis and then communists took away her family, but she became a legend of robotics

Nazis and then communists took away her family, but she became a legend of robotics

17. Nov 2023 at 10:42  I  Computer science is rediscovering Ružena Bajcsy’s ideas. Font size:A–|A+  Comments disabled Ružena Bajcsy has experienced enough hardships for several lifetimes. During World War II, the Nazis killed her parents. After the war she spent many years in an orphanage, only to witness another dictatorship take root. Later, while she was…

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Oklahoma lawmakers struggle to tackle artificial intelligence regulations | Community

Oklahoma lawmakers struggle to tackle artificial intelligence regulations | Community

OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma lawmakers are struggling to regulate the artificial intelligence industry even as interest in the technology and its availability continues to grow. Experts say AI is now present in everything from cell phone apps and facial recognition software to ChatGPT, which allows users to ask questions and receive human-like replies based on…

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