The 7 Best Mobile Apps to Keep Your Family Organized

The 7 Best Mobile Apps to Keep Your Family Organized

If you have a hard time keeping organized with your family, you are not alone. Thankfully, there’s a solution to organize everyone’s schedules, manage household tasks, and know what’s happening and when.

In this article, we’ll cover the best Android and iPhone apps to keep your family organized. Don’t rely on guesswork to know what’s happening with your family. Keep reading to see how to clean up your family’s messy habits.

1. Cozi

When making plans with family, it can be near-impossible to keep everyone’s schedules aligned. Cozi offers a smart solution to altering family schedules using its shared calendar hub.

Getting started is simple—add a family name and photo, invite other members via email, and you’re ready to go. You can also connect existing calendars from the settings page to save you from re-entering details.

Cozi uses a shared password to grant everyone access to its synced calendar. As a member of the shared account, you can add new events, set who will be attending, and enable reminders. You can also share grocery items to simplify your grocery shopping.

Members are color-coded, so you can understand who is attending what event effortlessly. Overall, Cozi does a great job of keeping you and your family organized, no matter how busy everyone’s schedules are.

Download: Cozi for Android | iOS (Free, subscription available)

2. FamilyWall

FamilyWall offers all the essentials you need to stay organized with your family. You can share messages, assign tasks to one another, and manage family budgets.

The shared calendar is one of FamilyWall’s strongest features, allowing you to add or remove members from events. You can use the filter tool to view separate schedules and remove clutter. FamilyWall also offers a daily, weekly, and monthly calendar view for a comfortable viewing experience.

The Activity tab lets you share memories, thoughts, and photos with other family members. If you find it impossible to stay together when going out, you can also use the Map feature to send a live location. FamilyWall is a great choice for staying organized wherever your family is.

Download: FamilyWall for Android | iOS (Free, subscription available)

3. FamCal

If communication is a weakness in your family, this app will upgrade your communication strategy, so you know what’s going on. FamCal helps keep your family organized with shared notifications, comments, and a shared to-do list.

If you have a hard time managing your children, FamCal makes a great parenting tool. You can manage events exclusively as a parent and deny editing permissions from child members. You can also choose who to notify for different events.

If you enjoy cooking, you can manage recipes in the Recipes tab, either manually or by inserting a URL. To access recipes fast, you can mark the best ones as favorites.

Download: FamCal for Android | iOS (Free, subscription available)

Family Tools offers every tool you can imagine to keep your family organized. You can make plans together, share notes, and manage household chores.

You can access a range of task management tools in the Chores tab. To help you prioritize efficiently, tasks are split into sections covering Today, This Month, and Coming in Future Months. You can assign tasks to separate members and enable repeat reminders for weekly household chores.

For larger trips, you can navigate to the Plans section. Here, you can add events and tasks, and take notes in one dedicated space. Widgets are another useful organizational tool located at the bottom of the homepage. These provide fast access to the app’s primary features as well as insights into upcoming tasks and events.

Download: Family Tools for Android | iOS (Free, premium version available)

5. TimeTree

TimeTree is one of the most popular calendar-sharing apps on the market. Its flexible, easy-to-use calendar system makes scheduling effortless, so you never have to worry about being unorganized again.

Making family plans on the go? TimeTree lets you edit schedules on any device with its free web version. There’s also a dark mode and an adaptive widget for viewing your task from a glance.

One of the benefits of TimeTree is that you can create multiple calendars to view individually. This can help separate your family plans from your work schedule. Another top feature is Calendar Chat where you can send messages and photos to your calendar group. If you use color-coding as an organization technique, TimeTree offers several colored labels to distinguish family members and types of events.

Download: TimeTree for Android | iOS (Free, subscription available)

6. Sweepy

We know, household chores are a pain. Sweepy is a home organization app that removes the stress from household cleaning. You can split up chores by creating sections for each room. To keep you motivated, you can also earn points and set streaks.

Adding chores is easy. Hit the plus button (+) from the homepage then select the room to assign tasks to. Now, you can either use the Suggestion Box dropdown menu or create your own tasks. You can change the frequency of tasks and assign an effort level ranging from easy to hard.

If you don’t know where to start, you can embark on Sweepy’s challenges, found in the Your Home tab. The challenges span multiple days, splitting household chores into daily small steps to help you succeed bit by bit. On the Your Home tab, you can also view a timeline of completed chores, so you can feel good about everything you have achieved.

Download: Sweepy for Android | iOS (Free, subscription available)

7. Share(d)

Share(d) is an app designed to “reduce mental load” by offering multiple productivity tools for you and your family. The app offers a shared calendar where you can add participants and import your default calendar.

You can add to-do lists, with options to edit access rights and add websites. You can also track your expenses in the Budget Tracking section. This tool lets you overview shared and private transactions and view total monthly income and expenditure.

Keeping in touch with your family is made simple with the News tab. You can use this feature to post messages and updates to your family circle. If you want to stay up to date with your family and organize efficiently, Share(d) is certainly an app to consider.

Download: Share(d) for Android | iOS (Free, subscription available)

Keep Your Family Up to Date and Organized With These Apps

Sometimes, having a group chat isn’t enough to keep your family organized. These apps provide a better way to make thorough plans and communicate effectively, so you can gain a clearer vision of what’s going on. Avoid the dread of keeping your family organized and plan effectively with these apps.